Optimization and securityData-Protection-Auditing

Correcting weaknesses - creating legal certaintyThe data protection audit

Our data protection audit helps you to optimize data protection in your company. We identify weak points in your processes and draw up a roadmap with measures to improve the relevant processes.

Our consultations are generally eligible for subsidies, e.g. from the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA). The subsidy rates are between 50 and 80 percent.

This is how we canSupport you

Easy Collaboration

Participants from several locations are often required. We can easily conduct audits via video conference, which saves time and money.

Feasibility & prioritization

We provide you with a stringent roadmap with clear recommendations and support you during implementation.

Clarity & credibility

First impressions count in an examination. Open points can be transparently documented and processed using our separate recommendations for action with the help of checklists.

Uncomplicated revision

Your audits are designed for simple revision and can be easily expanded and supplemented. They can also be used directly in quality management.

This is how ourCollaboration works

Data-Protection-AuditingFor prevention and optimization

Our data protection audits help you to quickly and comprehensively identify weaknesses in your processes. CLARIUS.LEGAL will be happy to support you in implementing the measures. Benefit from greatly reduced inspection-time and protection from fines. Let us advise you today about the possibility of funding. We make data protection simple.

Your personal contact

Matthias SchulzSenior Sales Manager