Maximum relief forIT-Security

CLARIUS.LEGAL provides you with tailored solutionsfor IT security

New legal requirements for IT security lead to increased pressure for companies to take action. New guidelines mean new liability risks. The best example of this is the upcoming launch of NIS-2. In order to effectively protect yourself for the future, it is advisable to set up a holistic system to ensure IT security. This way you can protect yourself well against cyber attacks and also against fines.

This is how we cansupport you

IT audits

Audits based on BSI-IT-Grundschutz. Adaptable to industry, specific needs and company size. Different test depths depending on protection needs.

Network security

Network check with vulnerability analysis and advice on setting up backup systems and setting up secure data transmission systems.

Data backup and deletion concepts

Comprehensive auditing of existing systems and advice on optimizing concepts in order to harmonize data security and data protection.

Cybersecurity e-learnings

Practical training for employees on current cyber threats in order to avoid damage and be able to act quickly in an emergency. Subsequent certification of the participants.

Why Clarius.LegalYour ideal partner for IT security

Legal know-how:

in optimizing IT risk management and adapting it to new regulatory requirements.

In-depth expertise:

We do not look at IT security in isolation, but rather see the big picture and also link data protection.

Our digital Clarius tool:

We enable IT audits that are individually tailored to the company with understandable recommendations for action.

Uncomplicated exchange:

We work with a digital platform, which enables easy exchange and convenient training for your employees.

Our services:

Occupational safety specialist

CLARIUS.LEGAL carries out a comprehensive audit of your company’s IT security and works with you to create a targeted roadmap for eliminating any risks.

IT basic protection check

We carry out a cost-effective and uncomplicated basic protection check and ensure that you are protected from the main threats. The basic protection check represents the basic version of our audits.

Network security

We advise you on setting up new or existing networks and help you set up secure password management to simplify your employees’ everyday work and increase productivity. We are at your side for large projects and support you in building robust networks

Data backup and deletion concepts

Data backup and deletion concepts have significant implications for companies. NIS-2 increases the requirements for data security and data protection. Here we can help you achieve legal certainty.

New legal requirements for IT security lead to increased pressure for companies to take action. New guidelines mean new liability risks. In order to effectively protect yourself for the future, it is advisable to set up a holistic system to ensure IT security. This way you can protect yourself well against cyber attacks and also against fines.

Cybersecurity e-learnings

Train your employees conveniently and digitally on current cyber threats from phishing or social engineering. These threats can quickly lead to the loss of sensitive customer data or company secrets and result in hefty fines. Certifying your employees helps prevent and has a reassuring effect on your customers and partners.

Operating instructions


List of hazardous substances


Investigation of accidents at work


Documentation of assaults


Procedure for the assessment of lone working


BAFA business promotion


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Matthias SchulzSenior Sales Manager