Business Partner MonitoringSupply Chain Act

Complete outsourcing ofexpenses for the LkSG

Fulfil your obligations under the Supply Chain Act (LkSG) efficiently and in full thanks to artificial intelligence.

Using intelligent questionnaires and automated data analysis, the software creates a risk index for each individual supplier. The 24/7 monitoring of human rights and environmental violations can be AI-supported based on your individual needs. Our lawyers are at your side with legal expertise and experience in all relevant compliance issues.

LkSG for the SME next door?

Although the LkSG is aimed at companies with 1,000 or more employees, it also affects small and medium-sized companies. Find out more in our white paper Simply implement the LkSG: The CLARIUS.LEGAL guide for SMEs.

Download the German-language white paper here without obligation!

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This is how we cansupport you

Minimal effort, no own resources required

Taking over risk analysis, risk management, reporting and documentation, creating the supplier data

Permanent ability to provide information to the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA)

and other supervisory authorities such as the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, the public prosecution office, the Financial Intelligence Unitor the Anti-Money Laundering Authority

Release of the management from liability through compliance security

Elimination of the management’s liability and prevention of sanctions or reputational damage

Greater transparency in the supply chain

through active monitoring of the supply chain using AI

InitialLegal advice

AI-supported reporting

Permanent legal adviceas an ongoing monthly service

Withthis complete solution, we identify risks along the supply chain with a high degree of automation. The system recognises and evaluates the potential for damage at an early stage so that you can initiate appropriate measures. Thanks to compliance with human rights and environmental standards, fines, sanctions such as exclusion from public tenders or reputational damage can be averted.

Your personal contact

Matthias SchulzSenior Sales Manager