Simple and guideline-compliant implementationGoBD process documentation

Zeit sparen. Sicherheit schaffen. Audit-proof process documentation

The tax office obliges companies to fulfil certain requirements when digitising receipts. These requirements are summarised under the GoBD administrative directive. If the instruction is not fulfilled, there is a risk of penalties or assessments, which can have a very negative impact on your company. To avoid this, it is advisable to provide evidence of correct accounting through proper procedural documentation. However, it takes considerable effort to record the processes and document them in the required level of detail.

Replacement scanning in particular has the potential to save a lot of work. However, procedural documentation is a must in order to be able to utilise these or other efficient processes. We take this error-prone and time-consuming work off bookkeepers’ hands. Digitise your documents with us without any worries.

This is how we canSupport you

High cost savings

Creating documentation that can withstand an audit by the tax office is complex, time-consuming and error-prone. We take this work off your hands and help your accounting department to concentrate on the essentials.

Noticeable relief

Take the pressure off your employees and create certainty. Familiarisation is complex and can lead to a high level of frustration and uncertainty. Create peace of mind for your employees and streamline your processes.

Compliant with guidelines

Our software quickly and reliably creates the documents required by the tax office. You can use these to set up processes that comply with the guidelines and the tax office is satisfied.

On-site analysis

We gather all the necessary information on site and hold the necessary discussions with the relevant departments. We also analyse the devices and digitalisation software used to ensure compliance here too.

This is how ourCollaboration works

GoBDCarefree digitalisation.

Legal Tech

Sounds good? Increase the efficiency of your accounting now and have the certainty of being safe during tax office audits. Get in touch with us and digitise essential processes easily and securely. We look forward to hearing from you!

Your personal contact

Dr. Arnt Glienke, LL.M., CCPAttorney at Law, Head of Compliance & Data Protection