- 03.02.25
- Reading time: 4 Minuten
Employee training on artificial intelligence:Prepare now for the new EU requirements
Author: Dr Markus Hülper, lawyer, IT security expert
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been the hot topic of recent years. But with great power comes great responsibility – and this has been the case since 2 February 2025. Companies that fall under the EU’s new AI Directive (EU AI Act) are obliged to train their employees on the safe and effective use of AI applications. What does this mean in concrete terms? How can companies fulfil this obligation efficiently and with legal certainty? And what are the consequences of failing to do so? The solution: practical employee training on artificial intelligence, customised and easily accessible.
The EU AI Act: opportunities, obligations and risks
The AI Directive is a milestone in the regulation of artificial intelligence. The aim is to ensure that AI systems in the EU are used in a trustworthy, transparent and ethical manner. However, this entails considerable obligations for companies.
An overview:
Pflicht zu Schulungen
Mitarbeiter müssen die Chancen und Risiken der KI-Anwendungen verstehen, die im Unternehmen genutzt werden. Nur so können Fehlanwendungen und Risiken wie Diskriminierung, Sicherheitslücken oder Datenschutzverletzungen vermieden werden.
Nachweis der Compliance
Unternehmen müssen nicht nur sicherstellen, dass Schulungen zu Künstlicher Intelligenz durchgeführt werden, sondern auch deren Inhalte, Teilnehmer und Ergebnisse dokumentieren. Diese Nachweise könnten im Rahmen von Prüfungen durch Aufsichtsbehörden angefordert werden.
Sanktionen bei Versäumnissen
Der EU AI Act sieht empfindliche Strafen vor, wenn Unternehmen ihren Pflichten nicht nachkommen. Neben finanziellen Bußgeldern können auch Imageschäden drohen, wenn Verstöße publik werden.
Ethische Verantwortung
Unabhängig von der gesetzlichen Verpflichtung erwarten viele Stakeholder, dass Unternehmen KI verantwortungsvoll einsetzen. Geschulte Mitarbeiter sind der Schlüssel, um Vertrauen bei Kunden, Partnern und der Öffentlichkeit zu schaffen.
The challenge is clear: companies need to act quickly to fulfil the legal requirements without affecting their business operations. This is exactly where we come in.
E-Learnings:Efficient training on artificial intelligence for your employees
With specialised employee training on artificial intelligence via a user-friendly training portal, you can meet all legal requirements – quickly, easily and efficiently.
This takes the pressure off your company:
Automatisierter Datenimport
Individuelle Schulungspläne
Basierend auf den spezifischen Anforderungen Ihrer Branche und der von Ihnen genutzten KI-Anwendungen erstellen wir passgenaue Schulungspläne. Diese gewährleisten, dass Ihre Mitarbeiter praxisnah geschult werden.
Zertifikate auf Knopfdruck
Umfangreiche Inhalte
Customised content for specific requirements
Does your company have very special requirements? No problem! On request, we can create customised training content that is tailored precisely to your industry and your specific AI applications. In this way, we ensure that your employees not only receive general information, but also practical knowledge that they can put into practice immediately.
Our training courses are flexible and scalable: whether you need to train 10 or 10,000 employees on artificial intelligence, our platform offers the options you need. The content can also be provided in multiple languages to optimally reach international teams.
Time pressure is increasing - act now!
There is little time left for planning and implementation. Training programmes on artificial intelligence not only need to be prepared in terms of content, but also organised and implemented logistically. Companies that do not act now run the risk of having to improvise at the last minute – with increased costs and increased stress.
Use our solution to fulfil all requirements on time and without stress. The training platform is designed to maximise your results with minimum effort.
Another advantage: Our experienced team of data protection and AI experts is always available to answer your questions and support you in your strategic planning.
Your AI training coursesEfficient, customised, legally compliant
The EU AI Act presents companies with new challenges, but also offers an opportunity: well-trained employees can use AI responsibly and profitably. CLARIUS.LEGAL supports you with modern e-learning and individually tailored training programmes.
Let’s work together to ensure that your company is not only legally compliant, but also benefits optimally from the opportunities offered by artificial intelligence. Talk to us – time is pressing, but we’ll make it easy for you!
Your personal contact
Matthias SchulzDirector Sales
- +49 40 257 660 967
- +49 40 257 660 919
- m.schulz@clarius.legal