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External occupational safety specialists When are external occupational safety specialists worthwhile?


Dr. Arnt Glienke, Chief Governance Officer, Head of Compliance & Data Protection, Attorney at Law

Wolfgang Platte, Senior Manager, Expert in occupational health and safety

Occupational safety plays a crucial role in every company. It not only protects the health and safety of employees, but also helps to comply with legal requirements and avoid long-term costs due to accidents or lost working hours. But when it comes to the question of how occupational safety is best implemented in a company, the question often arises: internal specialist or external support? In this article, we shed light on the advantages and possible uses of external occupational safety specialists and provide information on when they are the best choice and when companies should rely on internal specialists.

First of all the basics:What are external occupational safety specialists anyway?

External occupational safety specialists are specialised service providers who support companies in complying with safety standards and creating a safe working environment. They bring extensive knowledge from various industries and can be deployed flexibly. The service portfolio ranges from risk assessment and the creation of safety concepts to employee training.

Fachkenntnisse und Perspektive

Interne Fachkräfte für Arbeitssicherheit sind mit den betrieblichen Abläufen und Strukturen bestens vertraut. Diese Kenntnis ermöglicht eine schnellere Identifizierung von Risiken und eine passgenaue Umsetzung von Sicherheitsmaßnahmen. Externe Fachkräfte bringen hingegen eine unabhängige Perspektive und umfassende Erfahrung aus verschiedenen Branchen mit, was ihnen eine vielseitige und innovative Herangehensweise an Sicherheitsfragen ermöglicht.

Reaktionsfähigkeit und Flexibilität

Interne Fachkräfte sind vor Ort präsent und können im Alltag spontan auf Sicherheitsfragen reagieren. Externe Fachkräfte für Arbeitssicherheit hingegen bieten hohe Flexibilität, da sie projektbezogen oder je nach Bedarf hinzugezogen werden können, ohne dauerhaft Kosten zu verursachen. Das Unternehmen kann dabei individuell entscheiden, wie tief die externen Fachkräfte in die Unternehmensprozesse eingearbeitet und integriert werden sollen.

Kosten und Ressourcenbelastung

Während interne Fachkräfte zusätzliche Fixkosten durch Anstellung und Weiterbildung mit sich bringen, zahlen Unternehmen bei externen Fachkräften für Arbeitssicherheit nur für die tatsächlich erbrachten Leistungen. Die Experten können individuell und bedarfsgerecht beauftragt werden Zudem entfällt der Aufwand für Rekrutierung und Onboarding bei externen Dienstleistern.


Externe Fachkräfte halten ihr Wissen stets aktuell, insbesondere hinsichtlich neuer gesetzlicher Vorgaben. Interne Fachkräfte müssen ebenso laufend geschult und weitergebildet werden, was zeit- und kostenintensiv sein kann.


Während interne Fachkräfte für Arbeitssicherheit Teil des Unternehmens sind und in der Regel auf die internen Strukturen abgestimmt agieren, können externe Fachkräfte unvoreingenommene Einschätzungen liefern. Dies bedeutet zwar u.U. weniger Kenntnis der individuellen Unternehmensabläufe, ist jedoch häufig besonders wertvoll, um blinde Flecken oder Betriebsblindheit zu vermeiden.

In many cases, a combination of both approaches can be the optimal solution. Internal specialists, supplemented by external specialists for special projects or complex requirements, can ensure an effective and efficient safety strategy. It can also make sense to rely on external occupational safety specialists who are very closely integrated into the company and therefore know the operational processes and structures just as well as an internal specialist. In this way, companies can optimally utilise the in-depth familiarity of internal experts with operational processes as well as the external perspective and expertise.

Important for the question of what weight the different advantages should have:How do companies deploy external occupational safety specialists?

The decision between internal and external occupational safety specialists depends on various factors. These include the size of the company, (industry) specific occupational safety requirements, available internal resources and, last but not least, the budget. As a rule, companies employ occupational safety specialists for these topics:

  1. Risk assessments

    One of the core tasks of occupational safety specialists is to carry out risk assessments. They identify potential risks and propose measures to minimise hazards. Thanks to their broad expertise from various industries, they can address industry-specific risks in a targeted manner.

  2. Creation of security concepts

    The occupational safety specialists develop safety concepts tailored to the individual requirements of the company. This also includes evacuation plans and fire protection measures. Their independent perspective makes it possible to create effective and objective solutions.

  3. Training courses and instructions

    Regular training is crucial to inform employees about safety guidelines and sources of danger. Occupational safety specialists can provide training tailored to the specific needs of the company. External providers often use tried and tested solutions such as e-learning software to ensure that all staff are well prepared.

  4. Audit and control

    Occupational safety specialists can review operational procedures and processes in order to uncover potential for optimisation in the area of occupational safety. The unbiased perspective of external occupational safety experts in particular ensures that no significant safety gaps are overlooked.

  5. Support in complying with legal requirements

    Companies must ensure that they fulfil all legal requirements. External specialists always keep their knowledge up to date and can ensure that all legal requirements are met. This keeps the company legally secure. We rely on a digital occupational health and safety management system, for example

When are external occupational safety specialists the best choice?

In many situations, external specialists offer decisive advantages. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular are often faced with the challenge of not having the necessary resources to employ their own occupational safety specialists. In such cases, external service providers can use their expertise to provide targeted relief and ensure that all safety-related requirements are met efficiently.

External specialists are also a sensible solution for project-related requirements. For example, if a company is planning a comprehensive digitalisation of occupational health and safety measures or is facing a one-off challenge, it can draw on the expertise of external specialists. Their experience with tried-and-tested solutions and best practices speeds up implementation and ensures higher quality results. However, external experts are also generally a valuable source of support when companies are confronted with particularly complex or new requirements. They bring specialised knowledge and help to develop innovative and compliant solutions.

External specialists and digital solutions:an ideal supplement to internal occupational safety

External occupational safety specialists offer companies numerous advantages, from cost efficiency and flexibility to comprehensive expertise. They are an ideal solution for optimising occupational safety without overburdening internal resources. Especially for small and medium-sized companies or in complex projects, external experts can make a decisive difference.

For companies looking for professional support in the area of occupational safety, it pays to rely on experienced service providers. With a sound understanding of the legal requirements and practical solutions, we offer you the ideal support to ensure occupational safety at the highest level. As an external occupational safety specialist, we also endeavour to offer the benefits of an internal specialist. This is why we work closely with your company, familiarising ourselves with your processes and aligning ourselves with them to ensure seamless integration and optimal solutions.

Our digital occupational health and safety management system helps companies to optimise safety processes by identifying risks more quickly and implementing safety measures precisely using modular tools and automated processes. We can integrate and expand existing systems so that existing processes are not only maintained, but also supplemented by innovative digital solutions. This improves efficiency and the overview of all security-relevant aspects in the company. For small and medium-sized companies in particular, these digital solutions are a cost-effective way of improving occupational safety without having to make large investments in internal resources.

Our hazardous substance register, which not only enables centralised documentation of hazardous substances within the company, but also the automatic creation of stock sheets, often offers particular added value. This significantly reduces the administrative workload and ensures that all legal requirements are met efficiently. Our hazardous substance management system helps companies to gain immediate access to all the necessary information, which is invaluable, especially in crisis situations and during inspections.

Customised approaches for effectively improved occupational safety standards

By combining external experts, state-of-the-art digital solutions and customised approaches to integrating existing systems, companies can effectively improve their occupational safety standards. With tools such as our hazardous substance register, we can also comprehensively cover special needs. With external experts, companies have strong partners for occupational safety at their side.

Please contact us for further information.

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